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Period: Sunday

Workload: 2h

4-6 pm (São Paulo/Brazil Time)

US$ 22 (PayPal)

(Online & in person hybrid mode)

Life Drawing Experience every last Sunday of the month. Some guidelines and strategies on body observation are given.

A new proposal for exposing and observing the nude body is practiced at school: the model presents itself as the subject of its body exposure.


Scenic objects, props, lighting, music and contextualized poses can be part of this class.

Observation and body drawing strategies are suggested.

• Presentation and guidelines;

• Show work

At the end of the session, the drawings are showed so that the students can comment.

Target Audience

Visual arts students, artists, designers, poets, painters, sculptors and others interested in recording the human figure (+18).

Direction: Juliano Hollivier.

Juliano Hollivier is the author of the book NUDEZ CRIATIVA CONSCIENTE (Amazon, 2018), professional life model, body artist, performer and actor. Post-graduated in somatic education, since 2007 he develops a differentiated performatic work as model. He studies and researches the body and its artistic expressions within the creative process, in addition to human anatomy and the participation of the model in the training of artists. In 2017, he created the Life Model School, Art & Reference, the first and only Brazilian school dedicated to teaching this profession, offering life drawing classes, model training courses and expanding body awareness. He works in person and online at the main universities of Architecture, Fine Arts, Scenics, Design, Fashion, Medicine and educational and cultural institutions in Brazil, USA and Europe.

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