BIO Juliano Hollivier
Juliano develops since 2007 a different performing work as lifemodel, adding to this milenas job the particularity of his scenic, poetic and musical expression. He studies and researches the body and its artistic expressions within the creative process, in addition to human anatomy and the lifemodel´s participation in the artistic formation. He proposes looking at the lifemodel as a participatory subject of artistic mediation, and no longer just as a container body, from which the visual artist just extracts information for his drawing, painting, sculpture or photo. Quality of attention, presence and awareness are principles that base your body work and lead to collective autonomy and creativity. He argues that creative work is the result of the collective between the model artist, observant artists and the environment in which they work. Post-graduated in Klauss Vianna Technique from Pontific Catolic University - Sao Paulo, he bases the modeling in the Brazilian somatic education technique. He holds a BA in Music, studied Interpretation, Actor Preparation, Experimental Theater and Dramaturgy. He has worked with Pocket Broadway in Italy, Egypt and England and has been dedicated to the arts of the body since 2002 through theater and performances. He worked with sensorial theater in sensory performances that awaken the public's imagery repertoire, encouraging care and respect for the other. He participated in GRUPO SENSUS acting, writing and producing sensory performances since 2009. He maintains publications about the artistic body exhibition on the blog , poetic texts at www.julianohollivier.blogspot. com , videos on Youtube and social media .
Performs in theaters and unconventional spaces throughout Brazil, Biennials of the Book, International Festivals of Literature and Poetry and acts as a lifemodel in universities of Fashion, Fine Arts, Architecture and Design, educational and cultural institutions and private studios, cite São Paulo Cultural Center (from 2008 to 2017), FAAP, European Institute of Design, SENAC University Center, ECA - USP, FAU - USP, UNESP - Bauru, Fine Arts College, Anhembi-Morumbi University, Panamerican School of Arts, University Mackenzie, FASM - Faculdade Santa Marcelina, Escola da Cidade - Graduation and Post-Graduation in Architecture, UNI-Santos - Catholic University of Santos, MELIES College, FPA - Paulista College of Arts, ETEC - Tiquatira, Paulista Association of Fine Arts, AXIS School of Visual Effects, ICS - Innovation Creative Space, Quanta Academy of Arts, Abra - School of Art and Design, MAM - Museum of Modern Art, Mube - Brazilian Museum of Sculpture, SESC (Pompéia units , CineSesc, Belenzinho, Consolação, Ipiranga, Vila Mariana, Santo Amaro, Santo André, São José do Rio Preto, Bauru), Body Observation House, Casa do Saber SP, St. Paul´s School, Ateliê Pacca Studios, Ateliê of Newton Santana Sculpture, Ateliê Israel Kirslansky, Ateliê Paulo von Poser, Ateliê Ferez Khoury.